Posts Tagged ‘living wage’

Debunking Minimum Wage Myths

September 6, 2022

Your tax dollars are subsidizing corporations that don’t pay emplotees a living wage. Robert Reich explains why raising the minimum wage is good business, and good for the economy.

Robert Reich website

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A Day Without Burgers

September 4, 2014

A Day Without Burgers

Don’t forget to pack a lunch this morning. Fast-food workers across the country are striking for a living wage, so’ll you’ll want to stay out of McDonald’s, Wendy’s, and Burger King. Don’t like cold sandwiches? Read this.


“Fast food workers plan biggest US strike to date over minimum wage,” Dominic Rushe, The Guardian

“Fast Food Workers Plan Another Strike in 150 Cities,” Victor Luckerson, TIME Magazine


A Day Without Burgers

August 29, 2013

A Day Without Burgers

Don’t forget to pack a lunch this morning. Fast-food workers across the country are striking for a living wage, so’ll you’ll want to stay out of McDonald’s, Wendy’s, and Burger King. Don’t like cold sandwiches? Read this.


Jobs & Freedom

August 24, 2013

Jobs & Freeedom

The next week will see commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the 1963 March on Washington. That’s what it’s often called now, but the event’s full name was really the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. Among the original goals: A living minimum wage of $2.00 an hour.

Guess what? Even that paltry $2.00 in 1963 dollars would be $15.26 today. The 50th anniversary march has a lot of lost ground to cover.


A Living Wage for All Working Americans

February 15, 2013

“Tonight, let’s declare that in the wealthiest nation on Earth, no one who works full-time should have to live in poverty.” Barack Obama, State of the Union Address, February 12, 2013

“I’ve been dealing with the minimum wage issue for the last 28 years that I’ve been in elected office, and when you raise the price of employment, guess what happens? You get less of it.” House Speaker John Boehner (R, OH-8).

“Economists: A $9 minimum wage won’t hurt jobs,” Natasha Lennard, Salon

“A history of the minimum wage since 1938 [chart],” Annalyn Kurtz, CNN Money

“Obama proposes $9/hour minimum wage. OK, says business owner,” Elizabeth Fuller-Wright, Christian Science Monitor

“40% Of Americans Now Make Less Than 1968 Minimum Wage,”  Dave Johnson, Campaign for America’s Future

“Minimum Wage 101,” Mike Konczal, The American Prospect

“Minimum wage a bad idea? Ask execs who pay even more,” Charles Wilbanks and Alain Sherter, CBS News

“Minimum Wage Battle May Wound Republicans,” Steven T. Dennis, Roll Call

“Who would be affected by President Obama’s proposed minimum wage increase?” Natilie Sabadish and Doug Hall, Economic Policy Institute

“Why isn’t raising the minimum wage considered a no-brainer?” Robert Reich, Salon

“If You Notice That $9 Is More Than $7.25, Are You a Communist?” Kris Benson, Wonkette


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