McCain Funds PLO?

McCain Funds PLO?

John “Yahya” McCain

Senator John McCain has funded PLO terrorists! Well, okay, they’re not called “terrorists” anymore, otherwise Condi Rice couldn’t meet with them, but they’re called terrorists in South Florida, right? And Sarah Palin can see the Golan Heights from her house. She said:

It seems that there is yet another radical professor from the neighborhood who spent a lot of time with Barack Obama going back several years. This is important because his associate, Rashid Khalidi, he in addition to being a political ally of Barack Obama, he’s a former spokesperson for the Palestinian Liberation Organization.

Of course, Governor Palin can’t really pronounce “Khalidi.” And Dr. Rashid Khalidi, born in New York, is a professor in the History Department of Columbia University, where he holds the Edward Said Chair of Modern Arab Studies in the Middle East Institute of the School of International and Public Affairs. The late Dr. Edward Said, after whom the position is named, was a member of the Palestinian National Council or PNC for a few years, not the PLO, but, hey, close enough a week before the election.

And Dr. Khalidi taught at Chicago when Barack Obama did, their kids went ot the same school, and Obama was at the goodbye party when Khalidi left Chicago for his current job in New York. And Barack Obama took an undergrad literature course from Said himself. OMG!

But wait!

Dr. Khalidi ran the Center for Palestine Research and Studies in the 1990s, which conducted research in the West Bank, funded in part by the International Republican Institute. These IRI grants were sizable; they could have kept Governor Palin in designer clothes for a couple of months. One grant in 1998 was for $448,873.

And the Chairman of the International Republican Institute since 1993? John Sidney McCain III.

Oh, that Professor Rashid Khalidi. Surely IRI Chairman McCain will recall him now and agree that Dr. Khalidi is an eminent American scholar.

Actually, since Governor Palin and Senator McCain have decided all Palestinians and Palestinian Americans have cooties, the IRI is petrified, and denies working closely with the Center for Palestine Research and Studies. The truth is still up on the web

The Center was a member of the CIPE Center for Private Enterprise Reform Network, run by the Center for International Private Enterprise, affiliate of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce  and one of the four core institutes of the National Endowment for Democracy, with funding from the Heritage Foundation and the United States Agency for International Development, so what’s the big deal?

Oh, the elderly Jewish vote in South Florida. Right.

Oy vey. We can’t wait until Tuesday is over.

Image by Mike Licht. Download a copy here. Creative Commons license; credit Mike Licht,

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12 Responses to “McCain Funds PLO?”

  1. McCain funds the PLO - US Message Board Says:

    […] IRI Chairman McCain will recall him now and agree that Dr. Khalidi is an eminent American scholar. McCain Funds PLO? NotionsCapital Login to remove all […]

  2. McCain funds the PLO - US Message Board Says:

    […] IRI Chairman McCain will recall him now and agree that Dr. Khalidi is an eminent American scholar. McCain Funds PLO? NotionsCapital Last edited by Chris; Today at 12:59 AM. Login to remove all […]

  3. Joe Says:

    c’mon dude, let’s get serious for a bit. It’s been common knowledge that McCain did give up nearly half a mill to this *sshole in ’98, but under the pretense that he was going to use it for research into the possibility of bringing democracy to Palestine. We all know he screwed up there. He’s admitted repeatedly he screwed up there. If you guys don’t know this, then I question your American history and need to get educated so we can stop fumbling the ball here in public forums and not fuel the world’s belief that we American’s are idiots and ignorantly voting in these elections. The reason it’s not an issue now is because it was an issue already 10 years ago. It’s Old news, and everyone “should” remember 10 yrs ago. Unless you’re not American, then you shouldn’t really be meddling in our affairs.

    I’m one for democracy, and I live and die for my country, but damn, to achieve the goal by attempting to tarnish and dishonor retired US military personnel for whatever reason is beyond low. But that’s why we put our lives on the line, so ingrates like this can deface and defame our citizens and military personnel.

    Now, the LA Times needs to release this tape, if anything to clear Obama’s name so we can get past this and continue with our democratic process.

    If Obama wins, he wins and if McCain wins, he wins, but let’s get them elected fairly and correctly.

    We just need to make sure everyone votes intelligently and for the good and benefit of our country, and not for our personal benefits. As Kennedy, one of the greatest Democrats to have lived, stated: “my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country.”

  4. Fuzzy Says:

    Wow, finally an intelligent comment from a democrat.. Amen brother

    Nicely stated Joe.. very nice

  5. Fuzzy Says:

    lol, democrats are now deleting democrats comments.. too funny

  6. Mike Licht Says:

    Joe Says: McCain did give up nearly half a mill to this *sshole in ‘98, but under the pretense that he was going to use it for research into the possibility of bringing democracy to Palestine
    Wrong. It was given for the systematic study of political opinion in Palestine. That is a precondition for, as you put it, “bringing democracy to Palestine.”

    Even McCain is not dumb enough to assert that a half-million bucks can buy Democracy for the troubled Middle East, but perhaps some folks are dumb enough to think it is. Right Joe?

    What is this about “attempting to tarnish and dishonor retired US military personnel”? Are vets allowed to lie and smear without criticism? Surely not.

    Senator McCain dishonors himself with these idiotic smear techniques. It is behavior unworthy of the man he once claimed to be.

  7. Mike Licht Says:

    Fuzzy: Huh?

    We welcome meaningful comments of all kinds here (except profanity).

    “Attaboy” and “Ditto” are not meaningful. If there is a reason behind an opinion, we want to know what it is.

  8. Antonio Sosa Says:

    There is PROOF that Obama used his elected office—and taxpayers’ dollars—to support Kenya’s Raila Odinga, self touted as “Your Agent for Change,” a violent Marxist thug who made a pact with the Muslims to institute sharia (Islamic law) in Kenya. Odinga’s followers killed more than 1000 people and burned 800 Christian churches, including one with 50 people, many of them children, inside. As Odinga’s supporter, Obama contributed to the massacre.

    Here’s Odinga’s pact with the Muslims to institute Sharia:

    Odinga’s strategies were almost identical to Obama’s and are also almost identical to the campaigns of lies, manipulation, intimidation and fraud of Chávez in Venezuela, Morales in Bolivia and Correa in Ecuador. Chávez, Morales and Correa are now dictators who are imposing “socialismo del siglo XXI” (Marxism) in their countries and are working with Islamic terrorists (Iran) against the U.S.

    [Editor’s note: we omit a long, tiresome unsupported tirade here. See the note below]

  9. Mike Licht Says:

    Antonio Sosa Says: There is PROOF that Obama used his elected office—and taxpayers’ dollars—to support Kenya’s Raila Odinga

    So where is this alleged proof? All we have are your clamorous assertions.

    I have abbreviated your comments because they not just unsupported, but insufferably B-O-R-I-N-G.

    While we welcome sunstantive and substantiated comments, please stop forwarding further screeds without proof of your assertions. They are tiresome.

    [U.S. readers unaware of the Latin American political situation alluded to should start with a less strident view such as this one.

  10. Mike Licht Says:


    The real Socialist is Sarah Palin!

  11. DN Says:

    What should I have to conclude from your picture of McCain with kuffiya?
    That you equally like arabs and McCain? Either you are racist and antiGOP or arab lover and proGOP?

    This picture alone is enough to stop reading your blog. I would compare it to woodoo but I am afraid you’ll get this as a compliment.

  12. Mike Licht Says:

    DN: It is a good idea to read a post before commenting on it.

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